Saturday, November 20, 2010

Final Adventures in Dublin

You can never have a down day when the people that bump into you in the street follow it up with a "sorry love" or a "sorry dear" and a pat on the back.

Today was a wandering day. I was anxious to get to my new hostel so i packed up and hit the road only to find that i wouldn't be able to get into my room for another 4 hours. lovely. i dropped my bags, reluctantly, you never know who's watching them, and meandered off into the streets to shop.

I got an adapter. yee haw. i asked the guy what would happen if i used a hairdryer with it. he said my hair would explode. ok actually he said it would go "poof." I told him i would just stick to "shaking off." BUT. lo and behold i dried my hair tonight for the first time and my hair did not poof or explode. i tell you, drying my hair and curling it felt like heaven. a grungy traveler is not a happy traveler.

i ditched the map today and just wandered. worked out pretty good. I went to St Stephen's Green park. Unfortunately, Irish weather finally caught up to me and its been cloudy and gloomy all day. The last four days were filled with sunshine. But, i was happy to find that the Irish don't discriminate against cloudy days. They put up Christmas lights, wear bright red jackets, and hit the town. I've never been a city girl, but im starting to understand the comfort one can find in streets filled with people.

That being said. I might kick someone very soon if I see another couple making out in the street. At first I go "aww" but pretty soon that's going to be followed up with a "hi-yah." I've never understood why people say "Paris is for lovers," or whatever, and I'm not sure if anyone has ever said "Dublin is for lovers..." but I'm starting to get a sense of what the phrase means. Either that or I'm just very aware of my missing half. Whatever the case. Lovers beware.

On a brighter side, I stumbled into a little farmers market today. It was a bit like an international farmers market to be honest. French bread, Japanese something, Mediterranean olives, Spanish oranges... I had a scrumptious little thing called Wicklow Way from a farm-raised such 'n' such Irish farm. They heaped cooked cabbage on top of split-roast? pork on top of pan-fried potatoes. yummy.

That little rendezvous opened up the flood gates of my shopping. Not really. I still have yet to go over my daily budget (super proud of that). I just allowed myself to get whatever my little heart contented today. Including my first Irish Coffee.

This baby is one of four window displays outside of a store on Grafton Street. It depicts the Irish tale of King Leer's children being turned into swans.
speaking of swans. this is St. Stephen's Green Park

My new roomies are Spanish. At first I was too enthralled with my working curling iron to engage with them. Then I was shy to try and talk. Finally I bit the bullet and opened my mouth. Much to my surprise I wasn't half bad and they're sweet girls. We especially had a good time when a couple of young gals from New York and Boston bopped in and we could chit-chat behind their backs. It was all in good fun, I assure you.

Final note. If you want weird people to leave you alone, be weider. For example, meet my little monster. He protects my luggage and keeps me company around town. I don't like taking self-pictures so expect to see a number of shots of this little bugger instead. I haven't been bothered yet.

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